Week 13 JavaScript Continued
This week we are working with JavaScript. The goal involves a deeper dive into Client/Server functionality.
This project will provide you with more practice coding JavaScript, introduce some new JavaScript features, and add new ways of developing functionality into your personal projects.
In Class Workshop
Workshop: Implement a new project named “Fetch” to dynamically request a “flat data file” and then restyle the contents to present to the user.
Here is the link to today’s Fetch Workshop Documentation.
- Finish your Fetch project
- think up of some ways you can use the JS Fetch functionality in your personal projects.
Today you will continue from Monday’s class working on your Full Stack project or WordPress if you are integrating JS Fetch API into it.
Now that you have a better grasp of JavaScript, we are going to analyze the Sudoku code to learn some more advanced JavaScript concepts.
For this weeks homework, download the Sudoku game, if you haven’t already, and analyze the JavaScript to try and understand how the game works.
One way to do this is to use JavaScript’s alert(…) function to identify when a specific function is being executed. You can start with a general alert like alert(‘Hello’) to see if the function is being called, then begin using alert([variableName]) to show the values of a variable within a function.
Here is the Sudoku game: https://codeschool.palmettoinnovation.center/courses/Sudoku/index.html
To get the the JavaScript file, right-click and choose “View page source” then click the “js/main.js” in the HTML <head>.
To get the the CSS file, right-click and choose “View page source” then click the “css/main.css” in the HTML <head>.
Finally, you may want to try running the game with the NVDA screen reader while using the keyboard to play the game to hear how visually impaired users experience play the game.