Week 12 WordPress Site Reviews/Accessibility (Full Stack)

This week we will review your WordPress site (Monday/Wednesday) and have the second lecture on Accessibility using your Full Stack project.


Review each of your WordPress sties.


Review any remaining WordPress sites then have the second lecture on Accessibility.


  1. WCAG 2.1 Guidelines: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/
  2. NVDA Command Keys: https://www.nvaccess.org/files/nvda/documentation/keyCommands.html
  3. JavaScript Reference: https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp


  1. Complete any implementation of Accessibility on your Full Stack Project.
  2. JavaScript work on your Client form validation for your Full Stack project.
    • If the user did not change any information before attempting to submit the form, present a message informing them and do not allow the form to be submitted.
    • Reset the form fields for an existing record using JavaScript without refreshing the page. So, if the user is updating a record and makes some changes then gets confused, they may want to reset the form values and start over. Make a button named “Reset” to reset the form values back to the same values when the page was first loaded and present a message letting them know it was cleared.
    • BONUS: A user may begin entering data into the form’s fields then decide to clear them to start over. Create a button named “Clear” to clear the form on a Create without refreshing the page. Present a message letting them know it was cleared.