In Class
- United Way – Wireframe Draft/User Stories Draft
- Free Code Camp Game (in class workshop)
- HTML Forms
User Stories
User Story Format
“As a [type of user], I can [do something], to [achieve a business goal].”
User Story: Obtain Resources
“As a [county] citizen, I can search for resources, to provide for my family.”
Acceptance Criteria:
- user can provide their county or another county
- user will receive system notifications when searching: (no results found, invalid search results, etc..)
- user can refine/change their search
- search results will link directly to resource
- the system will keep the user informed about which search criteria was used to present results
User Story: Workforce Resources
“As a [multi/county] citizen, I can search for employment, to maintain independent living.”
Acceptance Criteria:
- user can search based on one or more locations
- user can either enter skills or select from a set of skills
- user can choose the type of results: open jobs, resume building, training opportunities, etc..
User Story: Events Calendar
“As a [county] citizen, I can view an event calendar, to see upcoming events.”
Acceptance Criteria:
- user can provide their county or another county
- user can search for a specific month
- user can navigate forward and backward through months
- user will see events for the county they identified
- user can view different county without navigation away from the page
- the calendar will link directly to events if additional information exists
- users will have a link/form/phone number to reach out for calendar help
User Story: Admin – Events Calendar Update
“As a calendar administrator, I can update the events calendar, to keep it up to date.”
Acceptance Criteria:
- the system will inform the user that they are in admin (update) mode
- admin can add events
- admin can update events
- admin can remove events
- admin can update the events messages above the calendar
- Complete the HTML Form Assignment
- Review the User Stories
- Review the Wireframe
Video of Monday Session
- United Way Requirements Gathering Discussion (how to encourage folks to respond to the survey)
- User Story Review focused on (JAD) Joint Application Development
- Wireframe Next Steps & Figma
- Complete any unfinished homework assignments
- Make sure the HTML Forms assignment from last week is completed in its own directory
- Style the HTML Form to align form fields for usability
- Make sure all form elements have the proper attributes: name, value type, etc..